Exam season is upon us…

Ahh, the time is upon us. That dreadful time of year where there are no free computers in the uni library, your course mates have ransacked the shelves for the reading list, and you end up on first name terms with Bob the late-night security guard. May is typically the time at university where you’ll probably be the most stressed. (Apart from first year where you’re still overwhelmed by the freedom and are necking back £1 jäger’s all through the year). Most major assignments for second semester are due in around this time and exam period is April-May for most students. Although it’s inevitable you WILL get stressed to breaking point, it’s important to stay organised and at least attempt to stay calm… I’ve made this post with some advice and tips to stay relatively on top of things through this time.

  1. Be organised from the beginning. As soon as you’ve got your exam timetable, and assignment deadlines, make a plan! It’s easy to print out a basic monthly calendar online. Pencil in your deadlines and exams, and work your way back to the present day. What do you have to do first? Are there research tasks you need to undertake? Make a plan for each of your assignments/exams and then write them into your monthly plan. For example set aside 2 hours each week to work on a certain assignment/essay with a to-do list attached to each session. Put up the plan somewhere visible in your room and actually stick to it. Work through each day and make your way through your to-do list in your allocated time. Having something to follow really helps as you’ll instantly feel less stressed, you’ll make the most of your time rather than time-wasting attempting to organise and your work will probably be better because you’ve been organised while creating it.


  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Talking from personal experience, there’s been certain assignments that I don’t understand when first being briefed on them, and I still don’t get 3 months later when I’m attempting to actually start it. There’s nothing worse than being close to deadline day and still be struggling to crack on with your assignment. Lecturers are here to help and many will have their emails, other contact details, office hours on your module’s homepage on the internal uni system. Sending an email asking for help can be extremely beneficial and your lecturer can simply break things down and help you to get started. Don’t suffer in silence, ask for help!


  1. When studying, don’t overdo it. It’s easy to get hyped up on energy drinks and stay in the library till 3am working, believe me I’ve been there! But you mustn’t work to the point of feeling ill, as that can make things a lot worse. I’m not going to tell you to work only in the daytime, because everybody works differently. Personally I work better after dinner till the early hours. However my friend is better at waking up early and working throughout the day. I’m definitely not a morning person! Everyone is different, and you have to work when you know you can concentrate best. Take snacks, keep hydrated and take regular breaks!

Hopefully this tips will help you keep stress down this term, but it’s totally understandable if you end up having breakdowns in the library at 4am. I’m sure every uni student has been there at one point. Just don’t make yourself ill with stress, as uni work can be manageable if you take note of these tips; plan, ask for help if needed, and don’t overdo it!

And remember,

Good luck everyone!



-Here’s a link to printable calendars http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/create.html

6 thoughts on “Exam season is upon us…

  1. Alexis says:

    I’m not sure about the not overdoing it part lol. I did and turned out pretty fine.

    Sleep went out the window for me. My last set of college finals I took 2 hours naps twice a day and that got me through it. Some of us are just more terrible to ourselves than others lol. I’m very goal oriented.

    Anyway, here are the tips that worked for me, not including depriving myself of sleep for 3 weeks… https://collegemate.org/2016/03/02/prepping-for-exams-how-to-manage-stress/

    Liked by 1 person

    • theprstudentblog says:

      Honestly I don’t know you managed that- I seriously struggle with lack of sleep and my work wouldn’t be of a good standard if had only 4 hours sleep. Thanks for sharing your tips, will check them out 🙂
      All the best
      Esther x

      Liked by 1 person

      • Alexis says:

        Yeah, everyone says that but Perseverence is a hell of a thing. I was always an overachiever in school, I guess. I realised I was graduating in a saturated market and wanted a degree that stood out.

        Thanks. Feel free to suggest ideas for the website as well. It’s fairly new and allowing readers to guide its move forward.


        Liked by 1 person

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